Sunday, February 3, 2008


Now..For those of you who “thought” that Hip-Hop was only about “RAPPING” you are gravely mistaken!!!REAL Hip-Hop is a state of mind.Past ,present & future!!! There is also DJing, Graffiti,break dancing,fashion,yeah fashion(See my previous blog What iz Real Hip-Hop 4) and some times yes sometimes… even singing!!! Yeah man!!!But im NOT just talking about the same ol’ regular wining & whimpering R&B,im talking about "raw" in your face, Hip-Hop message influenced singing!!! Lauran Hill & Missy are dope, for what they do.So is Floetery they can rap & sing as well!!! “BUT” ERYKAH BADU is the personification of “pure” Hip-Hop!!! Why you may ask? Because ERYKAH BADU is a Neo Soul Intergalactic, erotic, exotic, BEAUTIFUL poetic afrocentric songstress!!! Plus(in my opinion i may be wrong) she is the first singer to ever talk about going to see THE WU-TANG CLAN CONCERT on her very own CD!!!NOW THA'TS RAW!!! Now Remember what I said in my open head liner “An Introspective observation and analysis on the HIP-HOP culture, “THE MUSIC” and the Industry past, present & future. ERYKA BADU live’s, eat’s, and breaths REAL Hip-Hop!!! From her debut Album Babuism(1997)witch had, Rimshot, On & On and Appletree… to Mommas gun(2002) to Worldwide Underground (2003)to her latest creation New Amerykah(Part One:The 4th World War) with her hot new single "Honey"(2008) featuring her new production team called 9th Wonder, Erykah has transformed her self from what a simple female singer was, to what she was destined to be be A REVOLUTIONARY OF VISION AND OF PURPOSE,WITH AFROCENTRIC BLACK PRIDE AND BEAUTY!!! That is why(in my personal opinion)She has earned the title THE GOLDEN BRONZE GODDESS!!! She also has put out sooo many Copulation’s ,Live musical performances, and organized concept singles that she just can’t be stopped!!!(Her live performance’s are to die for!!!) her song’s are better than MOST MALE RAPPERS!!!But once again the mainstream disrespects the Goddess at every turn!!! Her current project is called Honey. It is so beautiful word’s can’t describe it. But here is a Video any “REAL” Hip hop Head can enjoy... (Common flows on this joint!!!Plus M.C.Lyte & PUBLIC ENEMY make a dope CAMEO Appearance along with the "OLD SCHOOL" GODFATHER OF HIP-HOP KOOL HERC) Ladies & Gentlemen..I give 2 you my...
Love of my Life!!!Ms Eryka Badu!!!

Love of my Life


Anonymous said...

It's kinda wierd that you mention Erykah Badu. I actually got to meet the very lovely Miss Badu a couple of years ago at an industry party here in LA., and all I can say IS...WOW! In-person, she is definetly one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! When I finally got the chance to shake her hand and say hi, I completely stumbled all over my words and I kept staring into her eyes. I think she was a little uncomfortable with that, but I did get a chance to hug her and we chatted a little bit about the music biz. I didn't have a camera or a pen, so no autograph or pictures but at least I have that memory of her in those shoet 2-3 minutes. She is an amazing women, no doubt about that.

Oh yeah, her music is great too! I haven't had the chance to listen to her latest work but I'm sure it's a masterpiece like everything else she put's out.

CALLOUS!!! said...

Well I have to say one thing caesar Ms Erykah Badu is breathtakingly beautiful and extreamly otherworldly talented.So much so that I put her at the "top" of my agenda!!!Her live show's are awe inspireing and simply Cataclysmic!!!I have never seen someone pay so much attention to such detail.She currently has a producer called 9th wonder for Honey.It's a dope track,but there is no telling were the Golden Bronze goddess is at "here" on earth or beyond.Thank's for the comment caesar!!!Keep it movein bra!!!