Isis aka Lin-Que/Queen Mother Rage/Sister Souljah/ 101:The 1st Sisters of Militancy.
Now If you have never read my blog yet?Welcome 1st timerez!Boy oh boy you are in for a treat!^__^ Hi!!! My name is CALLOUS:THE FUTURISTIC MILITANT and This is the Futuristic STANDARD of Hip-Hop Bloggery…WHAT IZ REAL HIP-HOP??? & seeing that I’m on a Roll Lately?I think it's time 4 ya man Cali 2 up the anti even higher. Because AS THE SAYING GOES… behind every great man? There has always been a Great woman or (women.)Enter X-Clans Isis aka Lin-Que/Queen Mother Rage,and Public Enemies. Sister Souljah. Now before I go any further let me make one thing perfectly clear.Not every Girl iz a Good Girl yoa.Some sisters “calling” is on the front linez with us African Warriors/spiritually Scientifically & Intellectually Fighting tooth & nail with the enemy. Now do the majority of Sisters now-a-days in Hip-Hop & the hood have the Courage,Depth, Strength, & resolve of Isis?Queen Mother Rage?or Sister Soljah?NEGRO PLZ LMAO!GIVE ME A BREAK!!!SMH!!!(in my personal opinion) in Hip-Hop it’s the modern day & age of sex slinging foul mouthed,Gold Digging,cut throat Sac Chasers!!!SORRY!!!I mean if I go HARD ON The Brothers?You didn’t think I would be sexist & not go hard on the Sisters as well???UN UN!!!Just like stone cold said Im an Equal opportunity azz kicker!!!lmao!!!It is what it is yoa!!!!LMAO!!!
Now on the Real The only sisters up in the Game I respect on a "Real-Hip-Hop" or "Black Panther Level" Ive already written about. Namely Queen Latifa,MC Lyte,Roxanne Shante’, Erykah Badu,Lauren Hill,Rah-Digga,& Amanda Diva!Now Isis/Queen Mother Rage/Sister Souljah represent a level of Militancy I have yet to see in most "MEN"now-a-days let alone "WOMEN" In this day & age!!!& that's sad.SO SAD!!!I see a few Powerful sisters who respect what Im doing here & there & I flirt a lot online with my Good Girls?But that’s it & so far I have only meet a few Sexy Soldiers on Twitter like @MsVodou @SHEEMusic @LENAYEHEAVEN,@JazITUp4U, @KissMyBlackArtz or lets say @SwaggaStal even step up 2 the plate & make a stance as Sisters down for the cause.When in Fact I need sisters NOW more than EVER!!! Naw man out of nearly 3,000 people only a few step up.-__- Like I said "RARE."Ive been on Twitter for several month’s.IM talking from a personal statistic not all women.Now the First time I saw Isis I was captivated & mesmerized beyond words.She was #1 FINE!!! #2 had fire/Sex appeal & a very serious look in her eyes in The 1989 video"Heed The words of the Brother"and #3 when I heard her flow she was rite up there with Brother J.Now Queen Mother Rage played the Back-Ground & backed up Isis in X-Clan.But in my personal Opinion the most outspoken sister of all Time has 2 be the borderline Benevolent Queen Mother Earth of them all & 360% of ANGER Sister Souljah!!!Now lol as an Alpha Male? I like my women Demure & dosile. BUT NOT IN BATTLE & not in the bedroom!!!LMAO!!!
Its like my pops use 2 always say...BOY!!!YOU CAN’T MAKE A WHOE INTO A HOUSEWIFE!!!AND NEVER GET YOUR MEAT WHERE YOU GET YOUR BREAD!!!LMAO!!!Not all Black woman are FIT to Lead a Nation.Umm some are far to conditioned by materializum & not Afrocentrism. Now have I always listened 2 my Pops mantra?Nope.SMH!!!I just went about my business treating them “ALL” as Queens.getting ripped apart & Calloused out in the process UNTIL I BECAME the actual definition of The Untrusting yet still romantic #Wounded #Warrior known as CALLOUS!!!and with a smile today?^__^ I thank “them” all EVERYDAY in my own way.As I thank the one’s who appreciate me as “A Warrior & a Gentleman”@}>`--,-- NOT A THUG! This is war Brothers & Sisters! & These 3 Sisters souls are so rare?I have yet to see any woman in Modern times hit it this hard!I actually befriended Mother Superior back in the days(as well) here in Miami?Good Soldier!But she really never took off.I wanted to include her in this blog but no videos.The bottom line?As the Ultimate Ghetto Drill Sergeant I cant afford 2 be soft.Not even on The Sisters when these 3 shining examples show… that the time 4 being SOFT IZ OVER!!!Why?I KEEP IT @CALLOUS_!!!
Next is…Slippin' Into Darkness - Queen Mother Rage of X-Clan
And Last is Sister Souljah The Hate That Hate Produced
The Hate That Hate Produced
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